Thursday, 30 April 2020

Importance of Immunity System Maintenance in Human life

Immunity system plays a remarkable role in human life to defend against any disease-causing micro-organisms or from environmental assaults. The Immune System is precisely a system, not a single entity. The Immune system is the first and foremost line of defense against an alien microorganism entering the human body. The idea of improving or boosting immune system is enticing, but the ability to do so has proved elusive. Stronger your immune system, lesser would be the chance of falling ill. 
Immunity System to Fight against Viruses
 Every person requires balance and harmony for the well-functioning of immune system. Day to Day life style, Systematic food habits and general healthy living strategies plays a vital role on working procedures of human body immune system. Researchers are exploring to understand various factors that has greater impact on immunity system responses in humans. 

The Consumption of Vitamins can also boost human immune system. Vitamin A, B6.C, D and E can help increase the strength of immune system. Among all Vitamin C is the biggest booster of all vitamins. The important factors include diet, exercise, age, psychological stress, anxiety, yoga and meditation will determine the enhanced/reduced immune function activities. The First and foremost line to defend any kind of diseases is to choose a healthy life style. Following good health guidelines in a systematic timely manner will make your immune system strong and healthy. 

Increasing immunity in a healthy way will optimize the functioning of the human body. Immune system also depends on age factors also. As age increases the capability becomes reduced which in-turn contributes to more infections. One Positive sign is that Life expectancy has increased in developed countries even though there is an incidence of age-related conditions.

Recent study says that compared to younger people, elderly people are more likely to contract infectious diseases. Now a days many countries are suffering from the severe Covid-19 virus causing of death in people over 2 Lakh Worldwide. This happens due to reduction in immunity in people.

To protect human body from harms and infections each and every component of immune system need to perform in a systemized way. If we follow Healthy Diet measures by keeping stress under control Having enough sleep for the day and continuing the day to day exercises regularly. If we keep symptoms of various chronic conditions under control which will reduce the risk of infections. 

Little Efforts and tweaks in daily routine can ensure a healthy immune system. To Keep Stress in control we need to practice Yoga or meditation or deep breathing activities. Yoga is the holistic practice that improves your physical and mental condition of the humans in many ways. It is also called as The Natural Immunity Booster. A healthy, Stress less, Sick-free and strong immunity lifestyle can be achieved through regular Yoga and Meditation. According to Kathleen Fry M.D Yoga works on everything. It is unlike other forms of exercise that focuses only on certain parts of the body.

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