World Health Organization (WHO) Special Envoy Mr David Nabarro expressed his views about India's Second Edition of Lock down (2.0) needs to be more focused on livelihoods of the people along with data driven aspects of Covid-19 aspects. He feels happy that the Indian Government Lock down Initiatives was supportable. The Government has taken all efforts to fight against Covid-19. The Transmission stage in India is much earlier than in other countries like United States and European Countries.
World Health Organization |
WHO was pleased with the actions and support provided by People, Various Organizations, Both state and central governments in India are not only protecting the livelihood of people but also those who are greatly affected by Covid-19. The actions taken by Central Government is remarkable especially in preventing Food crisis across the country. Indian Government has taken decisive actions with WHO guidelines and Recommendations.
Mr David Nabarr |
Indian Government is focusing more on Life, Livelihood and Living of all categories of people across all the states. The Government is trying hard to eradicate the virus by Practicing Social Distancing and very soon we are expecting the foreseeable future that builds a shift pattern in everyone's life in a positive way.Even though there are Financial risks in the country We need to be more granular and focused in assessing the real time situational changes that needs to pay attention immediately by ensuring health and prosperity of the Country.
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