Saturday, 2 May 2020

The Beautiful Environmental Scenes in India during Lock down period

Covid-19 is healing the planet Earth rapidly which we never seen before in our life time. Each and Every Creature in this Universe is purely dependent on Mother Earth for their own survival. The natural resources provided by Mother Earth helps various creatures to survive in this planet.

Lock Down Before and After
The lock down conditions caused by Caronavirus made everyone of us to struck in their own homes so as to safeguard us from spreading the virus.  This situation makes every one to think about the importance of nature and how to protect valuable resources given by Nature for the day to day living and existence.

Even in this terrific situation we are seeing some tangible improvements in nature which has greater impact on Sustainability of Earth.It's all depends on our actions i.e how we behave ourselves to protect nature for breathing pure air and Making our surrounding environment more greener etc.

Due to Lock down circumstances the air quality index in India was very much improved that reduced pollution levels very much. The Skies are appearing piercing blue with pleasant and louder bird-songs to hear. Due to reduced pollution in water we are able to see Dolphins again in various Ganga Ghats There is a massive increase of numbers of Flamingos also. We are seeing thousands of flamingos these days. One more good news is that After so many decades Ganga Water is now fit for drinking purposes after chlorination. There is a rapid improvement in the quality of water in Ganga just because of stoppage of industrial wastage in to the river water. 

People now in India are moving towards the refined life style with positive intent and mindset that provides qualitative choices to lead happy life by protecting our Mother Earth from the destructive activities which was happened for the several years.

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