Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Indian Education - An act of Palliatives and Renewed Emphasis

After Independence Education is the top most priority which have been made unlawful by the Indian constitution which was a major impediment in the development of a society.86th Amendment made Children education as a Fundamental Right. This reduces the gap between the rural and urban literacy rate. Higher Education system was established and it made a remarkable progress in spreading the education through out India.
Indian Education
Gurukul system is the first Formal education in ancient India which imparts quality Education in ancient times. The Vedas, Puranas,Ayurveda ,yoga,kautilya which is a traditional Indian Knowledge system and produced geniuses but even there is still a scope for major research .Ancient system brought a revolution in Indian Education system.

Education brings the socio –economic transformation in the society which enhances the education possibility to all sections of the society.Inorder to improve the women’s education also certain measures and necessary efforts are being taken. The distance learning system and also open universities contributed a lot in the democratization of Education in India. Privatization and Globalization helped to bring a High quality world class education in India.
Quality Education
India has been a great source of learning and Many Universities are joining hands to impart quality education across India. India Never Ceases to Fascinate and Education captures the every ones attention among various prominent things in the World because of its quality and equity.

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