Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Importance of Project Management in Digital Environment

The role of project manager is changing and it is very much imperative for them to get ready for future awareness on latest digital trends which will help them to re-shape their future. There is needy for Digital Project Managers with core project management skills along with digital training holistic awareness to keep them update and stay ahead of competitive market trends and act as digital facets of company.

Digital Project Manager
Digital Project Manager Role comprises of two layers namely Project Management Skills and Understanding Digital Management Transformations. First layer has PMP, Six Sigma and Agile Scrum skill sets. Second layer describes about impact of digital transformation on business by using latest technologies like Digital Marketing, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Dev Ops.

As according to survey there is a huge demand for more than 7 Lakh Project managers in USA by 2020 and it is expected to increase to 70 Lakh Project Managers by 2027. The impact of Digital transformation of project management skills has major impact on work in this digital project management era. We can find 100+ Jobs listed across various companies and job portals for Digital Project Managers.


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