Monday 27 July 2020

Central Government is Formulating New Guidelines for Unlock 3.0

The Covid-19 restrictions of Unlock 2.0 are going to end on July 31st. According to the sources Central Government is formulating new guidelines for Unlock 3.0 which will come into the picture from August 1st.

Unlock 3.0
In Unlock 3.0 the Government is planning to ease some more restrictions by providing few more relaxations after the working process is over, The Relaxations might include the reopening of Cinema Halls but with a strict social distancing from August1.

Some Restrictions will continue in Unlock 3.0 also. Schools, Colleges, and Metro Train Services will not be allowed to open across the country. Human Resources and Development Ministry began consultation with states regarding the re-opening of schools. They have taken feedback from parents also. Parents were not in favor of the reopening of schools.

In the third phase of  Lockdown, Gyms are also likely to be opened. The Information and Broadcasting Ministry has proposed the reopening of Cinema  Halls to the Ministry of Home Affairs. The Information and Broadcasting Ministry had also consulted the Cinema Theater owners before presenting the proposal to the Ministry of Home Affairs.

The Cinema Hall Owners have proposed to reopen the theaters with 50 Percent seating capacity.  The ministry has suggested reopening the theaters with 25 percent seating capacity initially and following the Social Distancing Protocols.


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