Tuesday, 2 June 2020

South West Monsoon brings Positive news for Farmers this year

The South West Monsoon hits Kerala Coast onset date and has been receiving widespread rainfall for 48 hours. It is expected to arrive in Goa on June 6th of this Month. India receives 75 percent of rainfall from South West Monsoon from June to September. South West Monsoon is very much important to Agriculture and farmers for farming. This monsoon will also fill up all the reservoirs and very crucial for the country's economy.

South West Monsoon
As per IMD India will receive an average of 102 percent of rainfall during this season. There is 41 percent possibility that our country will receive normal rainfall and only a 5 percent chance for deficient rainfall. Monsoon will advance to other parts of the country very soon.

The monthly rainfall in India is likely to be 103 percent of LPA during July and 97 percent of LPA during August with +/- 9 Modal error. North India is going to get above-normal rainfall this year where as Central and Southern parts of India are likely to get normal rainfall. Eastern part of India is going to get less rainfall than other parts of India.


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