Friday 15 May 2020

Finance Minister Announced 11 measures pertaining to Agriculture and its allied activites as a part of economic package

As a part of 20 Lakh crore Economic Package Union Minister Nirmala Sitharaman On Friday has announced number of relief measures pertaining to Agricultural Sector and allied activities. Finance Minister has announced 11 measures out of which Eight Measures will be related to Storage,Logistics and Infrastructure strengthening activities and Three Measures will be on governance administration and reforms.
Nirmala Sitharaman

In strengthening the Infrastructure in Agricultural Sector, Financing facility of Rs 1 Lakh crore will be provided for funding Agriculture Infrastructure projects @ farm-gate aggregation points like Primary Agriculture Cooperative Societies, Farmers Producer Organizations, Agricultural Entrepreneurs and startups etc.... She has also announced Rs 10000 crore scheme for formalization of  Micro Food Enterprises (MFE) that helps to reach untapped markets. This Scheme is aiming to promote  Prime Ministers "Vocal for Local with Global Outreach" which helps 2 Lakh MFE's to attain above goals and is expected to improve health and safety standards, Integration with retail markets and improved incomes.

Finance Minister has alloted Rs 20000 crores (out of which Rs 11000 crores for activities in Marine, Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture, Rs 9000 crores for Infrastructure for Fishing Harbours, Cold chain and Markets)for fisherman through Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY) in which Government will launch for Integrated, sustainable, inclusive development of marine and inland fisheries. This will not only creates employment to over 55 lakh people but also doubles exports to Rs 1 Lakh Crore.

Central Government has launched National Animal Disease Control Programme for Food and Mouth Disease (FMD) and Brucellosis with a total outlay of Rs 13,343 Crores. FM also announces Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund worth Rs 15,000 crore to support private investment in Dairy Processing and cattle feed infrastructure. Govt is also aiming to promote Herbal Cultivation in the country and this aims to cover 10 lakh hectare cultivation in 2 years.To implement this Govt has allocated Rs 4000 crore.

The Govt will implement a special scheme related to beekeeping  infrastructure development.It aims to increase income for 2 lakh beekeepers. Central Government has also extended Operation Greens from Tomatoes.Onions and Potatoes to all fruits and vegetables. Under this operation green 50% subsidy will be given on transportation and 50 % subsidy on storage (cold storages also).

The Govt will also extend essential commodities act elements to enable better price realization for farmers and the govt will bring in law to implement agriculture marketing reforms that provides best marketing choices to Farmers.


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