Thursday, 16 April 2020

Government Adds some more list of activities allowed After April 20 Amid Lockdown

Indian Government has made some new additions to the activities allowed in several parts of the country after April 20. Government has already released the guidelines and the activities allowed after April 20. 

Lock Down Guidelines
As according to the sources Non Micro Institutions and Non Banking Finance Corporations will resume as they are marked as essential services. Bamboo,Coconut, Spice and other plantations produced by scheduled tribes will also resume. Construction activities, Power lines, Optical and  Fibre cable works  in rural areas has been added to the list. 

E-commerce Platforms like Amazon, Flip Kart, and Snap deal will resume their operations soon. Mobile Phones, Televisions, Laptops, Clothes and Stationary Items can be sold online. Delivery Vans of these companies need to take permission from appropriate authorities

Virus Free districts and Virus free hotspots will be allowed to resume operations after April 20. In those areas Industrial, Manufacturing and Construction activities are allowed so that the economy will start functioning. In all these places Social distancing and necessary precautions need to be taken very cautiously maintained.

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