Thursday, 20 April 2017

Impact of Machine Learning for imparting Quality Content Strategies in Digital Marketing

Machine Learning plays an important role that search engines are investing  for better understanding of user intent and then thereby better evaluating  the content quality heavily in improving the understanding of language.Google and all other Search engines  are interested in leveraging the best user satisfaction along with user engagement. Machine Learning helps to drives the evolution of exploring the the state that relates to content quality.

Machine Learning -Digital Marketing

In E-Commerce Websites normally people with create pages, add their products and product descriptions and they think they are done which is a big mistake. In order to make the website more effective we need to add unique user reviews specific to particular product pages. Adding unique user reviews will increase 45% of traffic on the particular product pages was noticed. 

Another instance was taking existing text on category pages that had been crafted as SEO Text and replaced it. The so called SEO Text was not written with users in mind and hence added  little value to the page.We replaced the SEO Text with true mini guide specific to the category pages on which the content is resided. A total gain of 68% of traffic was noticed on those pages. Other pages with out any changes has found a drop down of 11% of Traffic. From the above instances we can infer that improving  content quality  can offer significant changes.

Machine learning is also having a huge impact in improving ranking factors of a website. Some of the major ranking factors includes content quality, User engagement and satisfaction ( reinforcement learning), Authority Link establishment.

Machine Learning algorithms like Rank Brain have improved their ability to understand the human language and user intent search by focusing largely on long-tail search queries. It also focuses primarily on the pages on the web that match the users intent as implied by the search query and also how comprehensive a page is addressing the user's needs.

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