Friday, 5 September 2014

India celebrates the birthday of Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, as "World's Teacher's Day".

India is celebrating the World's Teacher's Day on September 5th as a symbol of tribute and honor to the contribution made by teachers in Education and Development to the society . Since 1962 India is celebrating this event on the eve of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan's Birthday. It is the time when we thank everyone who has taught us right from wrong and weak from strong. As Said by Dr Sarvepalli RadhaKrishnan "Wealth, power and efficiency are the appurtenances of life and not life itself."
Teacher is one who has capable influence on student's life and & enlightens the students and shape their career with positive thoughts and inspirations that molds the complete development of a student.This day is marked as a gratitude and respect to the efforts of teachers Like Dr .Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan who is a great Teacher , Educator,Scholar and an academic philosopher who gave inspiration to many people by sharing his knowledge and experience in bringing the best future generation architects to Nation.

Dr Sarvepalli RadhaKrishnan

Now a Days Technology is improving a lot in this internet world We need to cope up with the latest happenings in and around us.We need to seek guidance from the Google Guru and Technology which makes us to learn more and work simpler. The Author of  famous Harry Potter Series JK Rowling was also a Teacher.

Over 100+ Countries are observing Teachers day.Even Education Council is also trying to highlight the contributions of Teachers profession and its significant importance to the People.We strongly believe that the future of the country lies in developing young minds which is possible under the right guidance and direction of a Teacher.

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