Friday, 5 August 2011

Google Bomb - A Tactical Media and Spamdexing Technique

Google Bomb/Google Washing is a practice which refers to creating large number of links which causes a webpage to have a good and high ranking for searches forun relevant Keyword Phrases.Google Bomb and Google Washing are in contrast to SEO Procedures for which SEO will be done for relevant searches for a webpage.
Google Bomb

Google Bomb was introduced first in May 2005 to New Oxford American Dictionary in which itis closely related to spamdexing.Google made several changes to search results to counter Google Bombs.Modifying HTML Pages to increase the chance of website in top position of various SERPS will dishonest and leads to spams.
Google Bowling
Google Bomb has also been used as a way of performing hit and run Tactical media attack on stipulated topics. By purchasing the Google Bombing Services for a competitor After brief Analysis of different ranking manipulations a search engine is punishing , any company can provoke a search engine in to degrade the rank of a competitor website This process is known as Google Bowling. It can often be called as Reverse SEO Process.
Google Bowling-Reverse SEO
Victims of Google Bowling can appeal the ranking decrease to google.Google could lift the penalty after submitting a request from the specified victim after certain considerations.Google Washing is introduced in 2003 and it best describes the use of media manipulation to change or push out the perception of a term from Search Engine Results Page.

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  1 comment:

  1. This is really interesting. I just read about google bombing the other day and was thinking that it seems ridiculous that people would use this to sabotage for other companies and their seo rankings. But after doing some more research on it, it seems more common than I thought. I sure this is something that can hurt even the best seo companies if exposed to an attack.


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